Raise the vibration

at your next

event or mastermind

Our Packages

Inhale Package

Starting at $2,500

The Inhale Package is perfect for small masterminds, events, and retreats or for your VIP guests at larger events. Break down walls, encourage vulnerability, and spark creativity in your guests from the jump to help them get more out of your event.

Exhale Package

Starting at $5,500

The Exhale Package is great if you want to have multiple touch points with breathwork and meditation throughout your event. While the Inhale Package is great for “lighting the spark,” think of the Exhale Package as pouring oxygen onto the fire.

Dual Chamber Package

Starting at $10,000

The Dual Chamber Package is the best fit for mastermind and event hosts who want breathwork, meditation, trauma healing, and transcendence to be a major benefit and outcome of their event. Dual Chamber includes includes multiple touch points of breathwork, healing, and meditation throughout your 2-5 day event.

Book a Call

If you’d love to incorporate breathwork into your next mastermind, event, or retreat, we’d love to connect. Use the calendar on this page to schedule a 30-minute consultation with us, or email us at mary@thebusybelle.com for questions.

More about
The Breath Chamber

The Breath Chamber was founded by Mary Laske Bell, PhD in 2023 after practicing and facilitating breathwork, Reiki, and group meditation for 15 years.

“One of my favorite things about breathwork is that it’s the only involuntary process in the body that we can override and control. You can manipulate your breath to receive a wealth of benefits, and you can’t do that with any other involuntary process in the body.” —Mary

But that’s not the only draw to breathwork as a healing modality. “Breathwork is the most powerful healing modality because you don’t need to make an appointment and go see a specialist to use your breath. I love Reiki, but you’re still seeking

out someone else to help heal you with Reiki. With breathwork, you learn to trust and heal yourself. And that’s the most empowering and powerful leverage point you have for your own growth and ascension.” —Mary

As owner of a successful boutique email marketing agency, Mary created The Breath Chamber for entrepreneurs in particular. “There are no business problems in business, only personal problems. I’ll never forget one of my mentors sharing that with me. And since that’s the case, entrepreneurs MUST work on their own healing if they want to succeed in business. My clients have had massive shifts and breakthroughs, even with one breathwork journey. After hearing success story after success story with just one session, I knew I was onto something and that more entrepreneurs needed to experience breathwork with me. The Breath Chamber was essentially built in a day to fill this need, and we’ve been growing ever since.” —Mary

Want to learn more about breathwork for business growth?

Inside The Breath Chamber, we use the breath beyond survival... we use it to transcend, transform, heal, and quantum leap. This practice is essential for entrepreneurs who are ready to experience exponential growth. If you want insider tips on how to manipulate the breath for personal gains, join the email list below. NOTE: You'll be required to take a specific action to STAY ont he list once you register, so make sure you read Email 1 carefully.

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